Our customers made these suggestions for improving Salesbuildr. Suggestions for improving Salesbuildr.
Please add your feature requests using the "Add suggestion" button.
Pricecheck (like pricewatch from Tweakers)
Would be great to get a warning if there is a XX% cheaper option for a product at another supplieer (like Coolblue, Bol etc..).
Automatically apply page breaks (A4)
Automatic page breaks (A4) would save us time manually copying and pasting text and creating new content widgets. The idea would be that if we add a longer text, ...
Under consideration
Exclusive Networks (Fortinet)
Sinds kort is er een Exclusive Network portal (Fortinet).
Het zou mooi zijn als deze portal gelinkt werd, zodat we alle producten van Fortinet hebben.
Make profile picture a dynamic field
I want to be able to use a dynamic field to be able to insert a different profile picture based on the logged in user.
Add 'undo' and 'redo' feature
I would like a forward and backward/rewind button.
Sometimes I accidentally delete something from a quote, with a button like this the workflow would increase big time.
Mobile version or app
A better Mobile version or an app to make quotes on the road.
Oppertunities with UDF fields.
It would also be useful to be able to use UDF fields, as they are now present in AutoTask for the Opportunity Category.
Under consideration
Widget with free input fields
Would be nice if we could add a widget with (mandatory) fillable fields so we can collect information. Think of a debit authorization or a questionnaire we could add.
I would like to see Previous quoted prices for the same article for a customer
Is it possible to make the previous selling price visible when making a new qoute for the customer with the same product(s), when adding them to a new quote.
Under consideration
Add direct debit option
It would be great if an option becomes available where, upon approval, we have an additional field next to the signature field for the bank account number for direct ...
Under consideration
External storage location for signed contracts
Currently completed contracts with a size bigger than 5 MB are not safed in Autotask (API Limitation) but there is a link in the opportunity which brings you to a ...
Under consideration
Add customer company logo as variable
It would be great to add the customer company logo as a variable that you can use on the cover page for example.
This way we can personalize our quotes even more.
Under consideration
Add a document as an attachment without uploading a local copy
Currently, I can add an attachment as a link or upload it as an attachment. Our pre-sales place a document in our CRM environment. This then ends up in an Shareepoint ...
Under consideration
Quote versioning
It would be great is it was possible to have a version history in quotes that we can return to if needed. We now have to make a copy of a quote if we might need te ...
Under consideration
Quotes and email templates in multiple languages
At the moment, our quotes and email templates are in Dutch, but we also see a need for an English quote. Is there a possibility to manage and send email templates in ...
Send multiple quotes of the same opportunity in one batch
When Quotes are under one opportunity a feature to send them all in once would be handy.
This way the customer isn't spammed with e-mails.
Under consideration
Different color WAITING APPROVAL status when waiting on internal approval
The yellow WAITING APPROVAL is the same for external and internal. Of course, we can filter by "Waiting your approval" but it would also be nice if that stands out ...
Amazon Product Feed
Amazon Business account product/pricing integration - like these:
https://help.quoter.com/en/articles/9061387-amazon-business ...
Under consideration
Add PDF copy of the approved quote on the order confirmation email notification sent
PDF copy of the approved quote to be added to the order confirmation email sent out to additional contacts
Under consideration
Prevent quotes automatically being sent after manager approval
When a manager approves a quote, the quote automatically sends. It would be good that this is an option to enable/disable as sometimes it will be better to present ...
Discount in "%" ook mogelijk maken als "bedrag" (excl. BTW)
Op een quote is het mogelijk om (onderaan) een discount ingegeven o.b.v. "%".
Het zou heel fijn zijn als het ook mogelijk zou zijn, om deze ik te kunnen geven als ...
Under consideration
Include the account manager by default in the CC.
Include the account manager by default in the CC when the quote is sent by the internal sales team.
Under consideration
Special bids via API instead of manual import
The ability to pull in special bid data via the API of the distri.
Under consideration
Project Proposal selection when creating quotes by internal resources
We use Project Proposals when we create Quotes in Autotask. If a Project proposal is created, then presales can also log their time and we'll have a better view on ...
Not planned
Checklists functionality on Oppertunity's
Making checklists available within the opertunities so that nothing is forgotten. the checklists can differ per category opertunity.
Under consideration
Outlook Add-On of URL
Een optie om een add-on (of URL) toe te voegen binnen je huidige mails in outlook. Zo kun je de mail met je offerte vanuit je eigen mailbox versturen en is deze ...
Under consideration
Artikelhistorie per klant
Artikel historie is een artikellijst van producten die de klant bij ons heeft aangeschaft. Deze lijst is handig voor het inzien van eerder verkochte producten met hun ...
Voorstel is bekeken door
Wat ik nog steeds mis in Salesbuildr is de mogelijkheid om te zien wie het voorstel heeft bekeken als die persoon niet is ingelogd. Het lijkt mij een eenvoudige ...
Under consideration
Add distributor ARROW ECS
Arrow ECS is next to TD Synnex, Ingram, Copaco, Also, a large distributor. They are using ArrowSphere portal, whick should be connected to Salesbuildr.
Under consideration
Discount toevoegen
Wij missen de optie om kortingen automatisch door Salesbuildr (SB) te laten berekenen. Op dit moment moeten we handmatig het kortingspercentage berekenen, wat ...
Under consideration
Be able to click on a phone number
The addition of a clickable (tel:076...) phone number for a contact person would be highly desirable, so that you can quickly switch (call) with the person, just like ...
html functionality in TinyMCE plugin & extra functionalities
The wysywig plugin (tinyMCE) used when creating templates is great, but is it also possible to get the 'view source' feature enabled on it?
When creating templates ...
Under consideration
Fill in External Approval Response, date and signature (name) in Autotask
At the moment the quote is approved in Salesbuildr, we can see who approved it, but why is this data not also filled in within the Autotask fields?
External ...
Under consideration
Email: let certain users send out from a default adress and others from themselves
We want our inside sales to send out from sales@.... but our outside sales to send emails from their own entity.
Under consideration
Toevoegen van Autotask Ticket/Taaknummer als Referentie in het E-mailonderwerp
We hebben de gewoonte om onze e-mailcommunicatie vanuit Sales zoveel mogelijk via Autotask te laten verlopen. Dit doen we door middel van sales-tickets of via ...
Under consideration
Total discount based on an absolute amount.
At the moment, it is possible to give a total discount on a quote in the form of a percentage discount.
We would like to have the ability to specify an absolute ...
Pakbon / Packing Slip
De mogelijkheid om van een Post-sale ticket de artikelen en aantallen als een PDF af te drukken met een eigen layout. De optie voor een pakbon in Autotask is zeer ...
Under consideration
Notify when sending out quote without emailadress
In some cases the recieving contact doesn't have an email adress added in AutoTask. In this case, if I would send a quote to this contact, it would send it without a ...
Opportunity updates / notes weergeven in salesbuildr
De informatie vanuit salesbuildr bijv. notes worden wel in autotask weergegeven maar niet in salesbuildr. In salesbuildr zijn enkel de notes zichtbaar die vanuit ...
Under consideration
transfer to project organisation
When a quote is won we create a ticket to transfer the sold solution to the project organisation. It would be nice to have a way to "transfer to project" in ...
Under consideration
Archive options for quotes
We would like to see an option to archive draft, expired and approved quotes. Archived quotes should no longer be available to the customer online.
Heading with numbers
Please add the ability to use numbers for headers, like below.
1. Header one
1.1 Subheader one
1.2 Subheader 2
Automatically un-list unavailable products
It would be great if Salesbuildr can automatically un-list unavailable products.
Maak ticket wanneer klant goedkeuring geeft
Wanneer een klant goedkeuring op een offerte geeft, graag ticket aanmaken dat er goedkeuring is.
Nu komen de goedkeuringen in de individuele mailboxen van de makers ...
Not planned
Multiple Signature fields
For now there's the option to sign a quote when approving.
But it would be better if there's a box that can be placed in the quote or in the contract templates where ...
Retracting or editing an already approved quote
The ability to retract a quote that has been approved. We want to be able to make changes to the original quote instead of creating a complete new one.
Not planned
Add Fuzzy search in products
Under consideration
Lock option for widgets to lock everything including quantity change
Add a lock function in the Widget to lock ANY modification of the widget content AND lock the ability of any quantity modification to a service/product within that ...
Under consideration
Add distributor STEBIS
Add Stebis to the distributor list. They are providing a huge amount of IT neccesary products
Under consideration