Suggestions for improving Salesbuildr.

Please add your feature requests using the "Add suggestion" button.

Add 'undo' and 'redo' feature

I would like a forward and backward/rewind button. Sometimes I accidentally delete something from a quote, with a button like this the workflow would increase big time.
Suggested by: <Hidden> (11 Oct, '23) Upvoted: 03 Feb Comments: 3
Planned UX

Mobile version or app

A better Mobile version or an app to make quotes on the road.
Suggested by: <Hidden> (09 Nov, '23) Upvoted: 28 Nov, '24 Comments: 1
Planned UX

Quotes and email templates in multiple languages

At the moment, our quotes and email templates are in Dutch, but we also see a need for an English quote. Is there a possibility to manage and send email templates in ...
Suggested by: <Hidden> (30 Mar, '23) Upvoted: 20 Aug, '24 Comments: 1
Planned UX

Possibility to copy / paste "Logo / Product image" from one product to the other

When creating a new product you sometimes want to use an existing image from another product.
Suggested by: <Hidden> (17 Aug, '22) Upvoted: 17 Oct, '23 Comments: 0
Under consideration UX

Sticky note

Gelieve de sticky note beter zichtbaar te maken. enerzijds helemaal bovenaan plaatsen, anderzijds de look geven van een post it bv? Geel vierkant en opvallend dus...
Suggested by: <Hidden> (20 Mar, '24) Upvoted: 20 Mar, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration UX